ACCESSIBILITYDepartment of Defense (DOD) Security Cleared. Certified Veterans Enterprise (CVE), Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB), Small, Disadvantaged and Minority (Hispanic) certifications. Veterans Institute for Procurement (VIP) graduated member, Veterans Information Pages (VIP).
COMMERCIALWe team, sub, prime and joint venture on diversity, set-aside, direct and sole sourced opportunities.
GOVERNMENTWe deliver world-class products, managed support services and network personnel when and where needed.
TEAMINGFor Veteran initiatives. Program Management. Facility Clearance Levels. Business development. GSA and other schedules submissions. Staffing
orporation to corporation, permanent placement, temporary to permanent placement, and cleared (up to top-secret) contract employees.